About Our Club


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Max Butler
Max Butler reports on the share investment efforts of his team

We started out as a men’s club, but just over 6 years ago we merged with the former Mount Eliza Ladies Club of Mount Eliza Village; and now we are one of many ‘combined’ Probus clubs providing fellowship and various activities to retired and almost retired individuals and couples.

We meet at 9.30 am to 12.00 noon on the 2nd Monday of each month (except Public Holidays when we meet on the 3rd Monday),  at the Village Uniting Church in Canadian Bay Road (with off street parking in the church’s car park).

The format of our meetings is simple and informal.  First, we are brought up-to-date on general business and club activities, followed by a break for refreshments and a chat, after which a guest speaker talks on all manner of subjects ranging from bee-keeping to kayaking across Bass Strait – but nothing religious or political.

Wendy Griffiths reports on the findings of the Book Club

However, there’s more to Probus than just monthly meetings – lots more; such as luncheons, day trips to interesting places and events, and even trips lasting 3 to 5 days.  There’s the Golf Group, an Investment Group,  a Book Group, a Dine-out Group and Group bookings for cinema & theatre with coach transport laid on if necessary.  Some of our members have lunch together at CB’s in Mount Eliza following each month’s meeting, and a few days after each meeting we have a Coffee & Chat get-together at a local coffee shop.

There’s certainly a lot to enjoy as a Probus club member and we extend an invitation to come along to one of our meetings and enjoy the warmth and hospitality of your local Probus Club of Mt Eliza.  We meet once a month throughout the year.